Support services
The Coalition to End Women’s Homelessness is not a support service provider - but we know it can be hard to know where to go.
Below is information on a range of essential services and information to help you if you need immediate support or to understand more about what help is available with housing, food, and health and wellbeing.
We do not hold information on every region, but include as many nationally available services as possible.
Immediate Support
Get immediate support for you or someone you know.
The Coalition to End Women’s Homelessness does not provide support or emergency services.
If you are in immediate danger or experiencing an emergency, please call 111.
If you need support for you or someone you know, please use one of the numbers below.
Safe to Talk(external link) sexual harm helpline: 0800 044334, text: 4334, email:
Rape Crisis: 0800 88 33 00
Wellington Help(external link) for individuals, whānau and communities affected by sexual abuse in the Wellington Region: 04 801 6655 & push 0 at the menu - 24 hours
Netsafe – For victims of online bullying (sexual harassment): 0508 638723, email:
Family Action Whanau Toa - Specialises in providing confidential support for survivors of sexual harm and their family/whanau, 0800326327, email:
Women's Refuge(external link): 0800 733 843
Shine domestic abuse services(external link) free call: 0508 744 633 (24/7, Live Webchat is also available)
Hey Bro helpline(external link) - supporting men to be free from violence 0800 HeyBro (439 276)
Family violence information line(external link) to find out about local services or how to help someone else: 0800 456 450
Aviva(external link) For free 24/7 support line, call 0800 AVIVA NOW (0800 28482 669)
Shakti - for migrant and refugee women - 0800 742 584 - 24 hours
Fale Pasifika Women’s Refuge - Supports all women and children experiencing domestic and family violence: 0800 REFUGE or 0800 733843, email:
Are you OK – This website and app helps you to understand unsafe relationships.
Manaaki Tangata Victim Support - support for people affected by crime, suicide and traumatic events: 0800 VICTIM – 0800 842 846, email:
Oranga Tamariki line(external link) for concerns about children and young people: 0508 326 459, email: contact@ot.govt.nz1737
Child Matters - To upskill those working and interacting with children, young people and their families and whānau: 07838 3370, email:
Mana Mokopuna – Children and Young People’s Commission - If you, or someone you care about, is worried about a mokopuna or needing some help and you need advice or support: 0800 224 453, email:
Need to talk?(external link) Free call or text: 1737 for mental health support from a trained counsellor
Youthline(external link): 0800 376 633, free text: 234, email:– Depression helpline available 24 hours a day: 0800 111 757
0800 What’s Up - 0800 What’s Up is our helpline for tamariki and rangatahi in Aotearoa: 0800WHATSUP
La Va – supports Pasifika to reach their full potential and have the best possible health and wellbeing outcomes: 092613490, email:
Age Concern New Zealand - Promotes dignity, wellbeing, equity and respect and provide expert information and support services in response to older people's needs: 0800652105, email:
Office for Seniors Elder Abuse Responsive Service - If you have concerns about how you are being treated or feel frightened or at risk, help is available: 0800 32 668 65, text: 5032, email:
Housing Support
Housing support services vary from region-to-region around the motu. If you need immediate access to emergency housing, you can apply through the Ministry of Social Development by calling (0800 559 009). The phone line is open from 8am to 6pm on weekdays, and 8am to 12pm (midday) on Saturday.
Other options for emergency housing support are below.
Auckland City Mission (external link): 0800 864 357
Kāhui Tu Kaha (external link): 0800 678 323
De Paul House (external link): 094805959
Shine Refuge: 0508 744 633
Vision West: 09 818 0700
Wellington Homeless Women’s Trust: 04 384 7871
Kahungunu Whānau Services: 0800 294462
Atareira: 04 499 1049
Wellington City Mission: 04 245 0900
DCM: 04 384 7699
155 Whare Awhina (external link): 09 437 0185
Emerge Aotearoa (external link): this link has many phone numbers
Monte Cecilia (external link): 0800624848
Salvation Army: 0800 530 000
Women's Refuge(external link): 0800 733 843
Other Health & Well-Being Support
If you, or someone you know may be thinking about suicide, call for support from one of the trained counsellors.
PH: 0508 828 865
For people dealing with alcohol or other drug-related problems.
PH: 0800 787 797 or free text 8681
Online chat: -
For sexuality or gender identity issues.
Available between 6pm – 9pmPH: 0800 688 5463 (0800 OUTLINE)
Support for parents, including mothers experiencing post-natal depression.
PH: 0800 933 922